- 快捷键可以理解为: 利用按键去触发命令
所以一般绑定快捷键需要指定按键和命令bind <key> <command>
tmux new -s <sessionName>
:新增 session<prefix>
:detach session<prefix>$
:rename session<prefix>s
:切换 session<prefix>c
:新建窗口tmux new-window -n <windowName>
:tmux 打开窗口列表
- [x] 1. 如何新建窗口
tmux new -s <sessionName>
tmux new-window -n <windowName>
- [x] 2. 如何新建面板
- [x] 3. 如何跳转到某个窗口
- [x] 4. 如何跳转到某个面板
- [x] 5. 如何将某个面板最大化
1. 前提提要、场景
可以通过 man tmux
查看文档,也可以在 tmux
中使用 <C-b> ?
的默认配置文件为 ~/.tmux.conf
2. prefix-key 前置按键
在 tmux
中,有一个 <prefix>
键做为前置按键,默认为 <ctrl-b>
,在按任意快捷键之前需要先按一个 <prefix>
由于 <ctrl-s
> 相比 <ctrl-b>
# 方法一:进入 tmux 后,键入 <C-b> : 进入命令模式,输入以下捆绑备用的前置按键。两个命令都要输入
# send-prefix 指令代表向 tmux 发送 <prefix> 键,send-prefix -2 代表新增一个 <prefix> 键。
set -g prefix2 C-s # 一个兼容写法
bind C-s send-prefix -2
# 方法二:将上面两个命令配置到 ~/tmux.conf, 推荐这种配置文件的方法
3. 命令模式
在 tmux
中,可通过 <prefix>:
,所以进入命令模式为<C-b> :
在命令模式输入 rename <newName>
可以更改 window
4. 查看帮助
在 tmux
中,可通过 <prefix>?
C-b C-b Send the prefix key
C-b C-o Rotate through the panes
C-b C-z Suspend the current client
C-b Space Select next layout
C-b ! Break pane to a new window
C-b " Split window vertically
C-b # List all paste buffers
C-b $ Rename current session
C-b % Split window horizontally
C-b & Kill current window
C-b ' Prompt for window index to select
C-b ( Switch to previous client
C-b ) Switch to next client
C-b , Rename current window
C-b - Delete the most recent paste buffer
C-b . Move the current window
C-b / Describe key binding
C-b 0 Select window 0
C-b 1 Select window 1
C-b 2 Select window 2
C-b 3 Select window 3
C-b 4 Select window 4
C-b 5 Select window 5
C-b 6 Select window 6
C-b 7 Select window 7
C-b 8 Select window 8
C-b 9 Select window 9
C-b : Prompt for a command
C-b ; Move to the previously active pane
C-b = Choose a paste buffer from a list
C-b ? List key bindings
C-b C Customize options
C-b D Choose a client from a list
C-b E Spread panes out evenly
C-b L Switch to the last client
C-b M Clear the marked pane
C-b [ Enter copy mode
C-b ] Paste the most recent paste buffer
C-b c Create a new window
C-b d Detach the current client
C-b f Search for a pane
C-b i Display window information
C-b l Select the previously current window
C-b m Toggle the marked pane
C-b n Select the next window
C-b o Select the next pane
C-b p Select the previous window
C-b q Display pane numbers
C-b r Redraw the current client
C-b s Choose a session from a list
C-b t Show a clock
C-b w Choose a window from a list
C-b x Kill the active pane
C-b z Zoom the active pane
C-b { Swap the active pane with the pane above
C-b } Swap the active pane with the pane below
C-b ~ Show messages
C-b DC Reset so the visible part of the window follows the cursor
C-b PPage Enter copy mode and scroll up
C-b Up Select the pane above the active pane
C-b Down Select the pane below the active pane
C-b Left Select the pane to the left of the active pane
C-b Right Select the pane to the right of the active pane
C-b M-1 Set the even-horizontal layout
C-b M-2 Set the even-vertical layout
C-b M-3 Set the main-horizontal layout
C-b M-4 Set the main-vertical layout
C-b M-5 Select the tiled layout
C-b M-n Select the next window with an alert
C-b M-o Rotate through the panes in reverse
C-b M-p Select the previous window with an alert
C-b M-Up Resize the pane up by 5
C-b M-Down Resize the pane down by 5
C-b M-Left Resize the pane left by 5
C-b C-Right Resize the pane right
C-b S-Up Move the visible part of the window up
C-b S-Down Move the visible part of the window down
C-b S-Left Move the visible part of the window left
C-b S-Right Move the visible part of the window right
4. 常用快捷键
:detach session<prefix>$
:rename session<prefix>s
:切换 session<prefix>c
5. split-window 分割窗口/分屏
在 tmux 环境下使用快捷键 <prefix>%
与 <prefix>"
或者通过命令 tmux split-window
# -h: 水平分屏
# -v: 垂直分屏
# -c: 分屏打开指定路径
$ tmux split-window -h -c ~
为了每次分屏都能定位到分屏窗口的当前路径,在 ~/.tmux.conf
# pane_current_path: 变量 当前路径。man tmux 中还可以查到很多变量,推荐看别人的配置,遇到哪个变量查哪个
bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
6. 分屏移动
移动面板命令为 tmux select-pane
,传参 -LDUR
可配置快捷键使得移动命令为 hljk
在 ~/.tmux.conf
# bind:绑定快捷键
# -r:可重复按键
# select-pane:选择面板
bind -r h select-pane -L
bind -r l select-pane -R
bind -r j select-pane -D
bind -r k select-pane -U
set -g mouse on
7. 翻屏 类似 vi 模式
按 prefix [
键进入 tmux 的 copy mode
,此时可见到在 tmux
右上角有一个黄色的行号。 该模式类似于 vi 的 normal mode
,支持复制,粘贴,查找,以及翻页。具体是 vi
还是 emacs
$ tmux show-window-options -g mode-keys
mode-keys vi
与 vi 命令相同,如上下翻页(半屏)可使用 <ctrl-d>
以及 <ctrl-u>
。 在 ~/.tmux.conf
set -wg mode-keys vi